2010年2月6日 星期六

"Beauty Credit 美丽诺言" - 綠藻美容塑身磨砂膏/ Body Salt Scrub Chlorella 200ml

Only RM 42.90 @ http://www.behappy.com.my/

Sea Salt and nutritional Chlorella is enriched with proteins and minerals to detoxify and renew dry excess skin. Rub all over body for a complete exfoliating experience leaving your skin clean and beautifully soft.


- Korea’s Leading Cosmetic Brand (韩国三大化妆品牌之一)
- 100% Authentic & Imported from Korea (100%正品韩国进口)

Don't Miss It & BeHappy Shopping! *-*

"Beauty Credit 美丽诺言" - 糙米泡沫洗面乳/ Germinated Brown Rice Foam Cleansing 150ml

Only RM 25.90 @ http://www.behappy.com.my/

Brown Rice control sebum secretion in the pores while deep cleansing any impurities on the skin for a healthier-looking skin with abundant nutrients. Its natural ingredients, suitable for all skin types, remove dead skin cells and aged blemishes to brighten, smooth, and even skin tone.
● 適用於各種肌膚可改善粗糙、暗沉肌膚的發芽糙米含豐富的維生素, 可為暗沉且粗糙的皮膚深層清潔提高保濕效果,並能有效 改善膚色。
● 含吸附力優秀的發芽糙米成分,徹底管理老化角質和皮脂, 能使乾燥皮膚滋潤健康,任何肌膚皆適用。
● 賦予充足的營養和滋潤的潤澤感,維持皮膚濕潤並充滿生機。
- Korea’s Leading Cosmetic Brand (韩国三大化妆品牌之一) - 100% Authentic & Imported from Korea (100%正品韩国进口)

Don't Miss It & BeHappy Shopping! *-*

"Beauty Credit 美丽诺言" - Q10去黑頭粉刺清淨泡沫洗面乳/ Coenzyme Q10 Blackhead Clear Foam Cleansing 200ml

Only RM 56.90 @ http://www.behappy.com.my/

● Botanical grape seed oil & ad lay extracts effectively clean off sebum & residues
● Recovers elasticity to skin pores
● Refreshes and revitalizes dry, troubled skin

含有黃色的磨砂晶球以清爽柔嫩的泡沫無刺激地潔面。葡萄核油和薏苡精華...有 效的調理毛孔裡黑頭粉刺和老角質。含有辅酶Q10成分和維生素E誘導體,賦活皮膚彈力。

● 含有與瑞士Mibelle公司聯手研發的辅酶Q10微脂粒22mg + 葡萄核油 + 薏苡精華 + 白炭,能給皮膚供應能量,去除粉刺,平衡皮脂,效果出眾。
● 葡萄核油:
富有維生素 A.B.鉀和鐵質等成份,可幫助毛孔裡的黑頭粉刺、白頭粉刺乾淨地去除及清淨 外部有害環境及彩妝的老廢物。
● 薏苡精華︰含有無機物質和各種必須氨基酸對皮膚具有卓越的調理角脂效果和清淨毛孔裡的粉刺效果。
● 白炭精華:平衡皮脂、淨化皮膚。

- Korea’s Leading Cosmetic Brand (韩国三大化妆品牌之一) - 100% Authentic & Imported from Korea (100%正品韩国进口)

Don't Miss It & BeHappy Shopping! *-*

"Beauty Credit美丽诺言"~指甲花~修护修護柔順髮膜/~Henna~ Hair Treatment 1000ml

(在韓國的網友都給五粒星哦﹗Customer reviews from Korean ~ 5 Stars!)

Only RM 79.90 @ http://www.behappy.com.my/

~Henna~ extracts extracted from herb plant that was used for hair care since ancient times. Lawsonia contained in henna leaves combines with hair’s keratin to coat the cuticle layer for shine and protection against environmental damage to hair to present strong and resilient hair with its mild botanical extracts.

从香 草植物提取的物质,往古代以保护毛发常用。~指甲花~含有的成份(Lawsonia)与毛发成份氨基蛋白结合,覆盖头发表皮,使头发保持滋润,减少因外部环境而受到损伤,能呵护富有弹性的头发,无刺激植物提

- Korea’s Leading Cosmetic Brand (韩国三大化妆品牌之一)
- 100% Authentic & Imported from Korea (100%正品韩国进口)

Don't Miss It & BeHappy Shopping! *-*