2010年10月19日 星期二

"Beauty Credit 美丽诺言" - "西印度樱桃" 嫩白眼霜/"Acerola" White Eye Cream 30ml

"Beauty Credit 美丽诺言" - "西印度樱桃" 嫩白眼霜/"Acerola" White Eye Cream 30ml @ http://www.behappy.com.my/-Acerola-white-eye-cream/q?pid=199&doit=order

网路美白超人气商品 - 西印度樱桃嫩白系列﹐每100g 西印度樱桃果汁中维生素C的含量约为1700mg(根据《日本食品标准成分表》) ,约为柠檬的34倍、花椰菜的10倍以上。

● 能有效消除眼周暗沉肤色和谈化黑眼圈,让你拥有闪闪动人的明亮延神。
● 透过 "西印度樱桃" 萃取物和熊果甘成份有效嫩白肤色。
● 使皮肤透明,保湿并给予丰富的营养,打造美白柔嫩肌肤。

A brightening hydrating eye cream forming a layer of moisture protection to soften your skin. Made with extracts of Acerola & Albutin effective in reducing dark skin tone by having 34 times more vitamin c than lemon. Daily use will reduce dark circles under eyes. Apply to eye orbit area.

* PLEASE NOTE: Formerly known as White Action Eye Cream!

- Korea's Leading Cosmetic Brand(韩国三大化妆品牌之一)
- 100% Authentic & Imported from Korea/100%正品韩国进口

